At HTML Giant, Kristin Sanders reviews Jenny Boully’s not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them.

Sanders discusses structure and hybridity and all that good stuff, and her engagement is wholly intelligent and insightful throughout–

. . . perhaps most prominent are questions related to traditional gender roles and the budding sexuality of the story’s youth, which every other adaption appears to have dulled down . . .

–though it’s Sanders’ appreciation of the book’s humor that we particularly enjoy:

. . .  [not merely] offers more questions than answers. Who are the Lost Boys, really, and why are they clothed in bearsuits? What’s the history between Peter and Mrs. Darling?  How many other little girls did Peter whisk off to Neverland? How does one properly dispose of Never poo? About Tinkerbell, Boully wonders: “where ever will we get such small medical supplies for you? The Tinker dental dam; the Tinker tampon.” . . .

Read the full, totally awesome review here.

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